Get a second chance with your skin.

  • Microneedling is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that results in dramatic and natural increases in collagen and elastin. Studies show a 400-1000x increase in collagen after just one session. Microneedling regenerates your own skin by creating thousands of tiny microchannels in the top layers of skin to stimulate your body’s own wound healing process. The result is quite literally new, fresh, firmer, brighter, smoother skin. Since it is your skin, and a process no less natural than acupuncture treatment, you will still look like you, just refreshed.

    Microneedling reduces fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, sun damage, pore size, melasmas, broken blood vessels and acne. It tightens loose skin, fades stretch marks, and can minimize scarring like acne scars. Microneedling is also used to regrow hair on the scalp and eyebrows (!)

    We think it is excellent natural alternative (or addition) to preventative treatments like botox, to preserve the skin you have.

    A typical course of treatment is 4-8 sessions spaced out 4-6 weeks apart. Downtime is minimal. Results are often noticeable after the first 2-3 sessions, and last for up to five years!

    Microneedling (sometimes called Collagen Induction Therapy) employs the ancient technology of acupuncture, just modernized for comfort and efficacy, and for the purpose of skin rejuvenation and hair regrowth. We use a professional-grade microneedling pen (an upgraded version of a traditional acupuncture tool) combined with marine-based hyaluronic acid serum and optional numbing cream.

  • The cells in our bodies absorb specific wavelengths of light and respond in various ways. Responses include increases in collagen production, hair growth stimulation, wound healing, scar healing, tissue repair, decreased wrinkles and aging, sagging skin, cellulite, and improvement in acne prone skin and acne scarring. Light therapy is also a non-invasive, relaxing pain management therapy. Injured, irritated, and inflamed tissues are stimulated to heal and recover.

    We use the Celluma Pro, a professional, FDA cleared device delivering UV-free low-level, but high-intensity light energy to the body. This device allows us to customize the wavelengths of light between red light, blue light, and infrared light, to address your specific concerns.

    All of our microneedling and cosmetic acupuncture sessions involve light therapy. Patients can also book standalone 25 minute light therapy sessions that combine the use of the Celluma Pro and a full-body infrared and red light therapy mat studded with jade, tourmaline, and amethyst, for deep relaxation, pain relief, and tissue healing. With standalone light therapy, best results are seen with minimum 6 sessions booked 2-3x/week, depending on the treatment goals.

  • Acupuncture, guasha, and light cupping have been used for millennia to keep faces looking and feeling fresh, vital, and glowing. These therapies work to address deeper tension patterns and areas of stagnation that over time can result in wrinkling, sagging, puffiness, and decreased tone. These treatments work best when performed 1-2x/week for ten sessions minimum. All sessions include Celluma Pro LED red light therapy. For even more renewal, combine with microneedling.

Microneedling special

3 sessions face + neck + optional brows / $675

Sessions include Celluma Pro LED red light therapy

Spaced 4-6 weeks apart

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  • Decolette $150/session

  • Hands $120/session

  • Nanoneedling for lips and undereye area $30/session

  • Please inquire about pricing for other body areas

Microneedling single session

Single session face + neck + optional brows / $320

Sessions include Celluma Pro LED red light therapy

Results seen after one session, though 3-6 sessions are recommended for best effect

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  • Decolette $150/session

  • Hands $120/session

  • Nanoneedling for lips and undereye area $30/session

  • Please inquire about pricing for other body areas


Microneedling and LED red light therapy work together to stimulate hair follicles in the brows, resulting in fuller, thicker brows over time. Results are best seen after 6-8 sessions with treatments spaced 2-3 weeks apart. Results often visible after 12 weeks from start of treatment.

3 session package brows / $425

Single session brows / $150


Microneedling can fade stretch marks, sun damage, and other scars and hyperpigmentations on most areas of the body. With regular treatment, it can also firm loose, crepey skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite by increasing collagen. Please inquire for pricing based on specific areas desiring care.


Microneedling and LED red light therapy work together to stimulate hair follicles resulting in hair growth. Results are best seen with 6 sessions spaced 2-3 weeks apart. Please inquire for pricing based on size of area needing attention.

Single session hair/scalp / $320

3 sessions hair/scalp / $675

Cosmetic acupuncture, guasha + cupping

Acupuncture, guasha, and light cupping have been used for millennia to keep faces looking and feeling fresh, vital, and glowing. These therapies work to address deeper tension patterns and areas of stagnation that over time can result in wrinkling, sagging, puffiness, and decreased tone. These treatments work best when performed 1-2x/week for ten sessions minimum. All sessions include Celluma Pro LED red light therapy. For even more renewal, combine with microneedling.

Single session / $175

10 session package / $1600


Please inquire for specific pricing based on size of area treated for spot treatment.